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good shoes: email interview.
von ric. | 5.Februar 2010
vor ihrer deutschland-tour hat indiestreber den good shoes per email ein paar fragen gestellt. lest hier, was gitarrist steve zu orten (morden, schweden, deutschland), werken (think before you speak; no hope, no future) und einflüssen (punk, indie, leben) zu sagen hat. und natürlich, was sie sich von ihrer ersten clubtour durch deutschland erwarten.1
Tell me all I need to know about Good Shoes in one sentence:
Rhys steve tom and will, between us we cover all the bases of human flaws and attributes, we can see over eachothers shoulders and we must truly love music by now.
What relevance does Morden have for Good Shoes?
Two of our band are brothers, they grew up in this suburb, morden is the home of their youth for better or worse. We are still frequent visitors to this area of south London as we rehearse there in a shed built by their father. Our old school Is nearby, we may still see familiar faces around the area but really it is only a place full of houses full of people full of you know what.
You recorded your debut album „Think Before You Speak“ at Tambourine Studios in Sweden – how did that affect the outcome?
The first album was recorded in Sweden, it was good to get away and exciting too, I have fond memories of it all, we had 2 weeks to record the songs we had been playing for 2 years, we rode around on bicycles and played cards in the evenings. One night I was sick because I tried the tobacco bags that some Swedish people seem keen on. I think the album would have been different if it had been produced elsewhere by a different person. I think we have much less control over recordings than we think, it is a product of the time, which cannot be re-lived. I think this is beneficial. An album is not a Bolognese.
What did you learn from your first years as a successful band?
Success has many subtle shades, music and industry mix as well as alcohol and fireworks.
There’s been a change in your lineup – any implications resulting from that?
Yes we have lost a member and gained a member and lost a member and gained a member, I suppose it means that different ideas and motivations have been introduced into the flux. As for the implication, it implicates that things are inclined to change. The line up was good before, it is good now.
How would you describe the sound of your new album „No Hope, No Future“?
The album is reflective, the schedule of recording was fairly turbulent, our lyricist rhys had a breakup to inspire his writing. The range of sound across the songs is wider than the previous record. Still focused around guitars, we can play it live, in theory.
„No Hope, No Future“ is more or less self-produced – why?
The first recordings session took place in morden, in the bedroom studio of an old school friend. We were paying him for his time with our own money. At this stage we had become fairly isolated. a large amount of time and effort had already been put into the writing of these songs. there was a sense of urgency, we couldn’t wait around for a record label to pay for it, neither did we want to, it makes much more sense for a band to own their recordings. This ended prematurely so we were forced to make arrangements with another friend in another studio this time in dalston east London. As more time passed (during which we exchanged members again!) we became more involved with our label and they helped us pay for the mixing which was to give the record continuity. It was produced in a rudimentary way we aimed to record the songs as they had been written, it was not a luxurious process. But I’m not worried about that the whole situation gives it scars we could’ve never have inflicted willingly ourselves. And like I mentioned earlier an album is not disconnected from its environment.
Is „No Hope, No Future“ obliged to the punk ethos? Does it carry a real indie spirit?
I’m afraid I’m not too familiar with the punk manifesto, but we are on an indie label. Neither do I think we have been showered with favours, although we are fortunate to have found hard working and enthusiastic people around us.
Would you agree that „No Hope, No Future“ is heavier, less brisk than „Think Before You Speak“?
Yes our new album is heavier than the last, and thicker.
What’s the best occasion to listen to „No Hope, No Future“ for the first time?
Our sound engineer told me that he listens to his favourite radiohead records in a dark silent room through hugely expensive headphones. Everyones ears will hear different things and make different connections. I think it’s nice to be able to see the stuff of life while listening to music, like looking out a train window, or walking down a street, this means some other sounds might creep into the experience. This has the power to enrich it or damage it. Right now I’m listening to the new animal collective album and my budgies are whistling like maniacs. Maybe in albums of the future you will have to listen for what you can’t hear in the cacophony. For the first listen just put it on. I don’t know, fishing maybe.
What do you expect from your first club tour in Germany?
We are really excited about coming to germany, mostly I’ll feel dumb and apologetic because I can only speak English. I’m expecting to met by thousands of wild fans! Don’t be shy.
What do you bring along? What do you want to take along?
We’ll be bringing a miniature table tennis table, guitars, underwear, toothpaste, power adapters, books, and hopefully a fully refreshed attitude. A traveller must travel light, hopefully everything we really need will be there when we arrive. Danke. Steve.
Thank you and all the best for the tour!
- ich habe das interview aus authenzitätsgründen nicht übersetzt – sollte bedarf für eine deutsche version bestehen, bitte eine email an ric[ät]indiestreber[punkt]de schreiben [↩]
künstlerkollektiv: animal collective, good shoes, radiohead
file under: interview, platten | 1 kommentar »
5.Februar 2010 at 11:18 pm
authenzität ist die neue faulheit!? (hehe)